Journal Articles
- Pan, Hsin-Hsin. 2023. “US Public Opinion on Cross-Strait Relations: The Effect of China’s Threat on the China-Taiwan Tension.” Japanese Journal of Political Science 24: 190-207.
- Chou, Yi-Chun and Hsin-Hsin Pan. 2023. “Effect of Digital Gap on Virtual Care in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence in Taiwan.” Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 1-15.
- Ja Ian Chong and Hsin-Hsin Pan. 2022. “Evolution of Our Time: Hong Kong and Taiwan’s Developing Democratic Identities.” Pacific Affairs 95(3): 441-473.
- Tsai, Ming-Chang and Hsin-Hsin Pan. 2022. “Protecting Farmers and Workers in Socialist Market Transitions: Mass Attitudes Towards Imports in Asia.” Sage Open 12(2):1-14.
- Tsai, Ming-Chang and Hsin-Hsin Pan. 2021.” Populists in Taiwan and Anti-Elite Sentiments: An Analysis of the World Values Survey” Taiwanese Journal of Sociology. 69: 101-140. (In Chinese:蔡明璋、潘欣欣。2021。〈臺灣民粹主義者與反菁英情緒:世界價值觀臺灣資料的分析〉,《臺灣社會學刊》69期,頁101-140。)
- Pan, Hsin-Hsin. 2020. “Is the US the Only Role Model in Town?- Empirical Evidence from the Asian Barometer Survey.” Journal of Asian and African Studies 55(5): 733-749.
- Pan, Hsin-Hsin, Wen-Chin Wu, and Yu-tzung Chang. 2020. “Does Cross-Strait Tourism Induce Peace? Evidence from Survey Data on Chinese Tourists and Non-Tourists.” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 20(1): 149-181.
- Pan, Hsin-Hsin, Wen-Chin Wu, and Yu-tzung Chang. 2017. “How Chinese Citizens Perceive Cross-Strait Relations: Survey Results from Ten Major Cities in China.” Journal of Contemporary China 26(106): 616-631.
- Wu, Wen-Chin, Yu-tzung Chang, and Hsin-Hsin Pan. 2017. “Does China’s Middle Class Prefer (Liberal) Democracy?” Democratization 24(2): 347-366.
- Tsai, Ming-Chang and Hsin-Hsin Pan. forthcoming “Chapter 4: Growth, Redistribution, and Populism in Asia.” In The Routledge Handbook of Populism in the Asia Pacific, ed. Alan Scott, Howard Brasted, Karin von Strokirch, and DB Subedi. London: Routledge. [peer-reviewed]
- Fu, Ronan Tse-min, Hsin-Hsin Pan, and Wen-Chin Wu. 2021. “Nationalism, Generalized Trust, and Chinese Citizens' Attitude toward US Influence.” In China's New Foreign Policy: Comparative Perspectives from Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, eds. Rumi Aoyama, Suk Hee Han, and Tung-chieh Tsai, 101-124. Taipei: Wu-Nan. (In Chinese:澤民、潘欣欣、吳文欽。2021。〈民族主義、普遍化信任及中國對美國影響的態度〉,《中國新外交:台日韓三方比較視野》,青山瑠妙、韓碩熙、蔡東杰主編,頁101-124。臺北:五南出版社。)
- Lee, James, Ja Ian Chong, Hsin-Hsin Pan, Chien-Huei Wu and Wen-Chin Wu. 2023. “The Risks of Ambiguity: Taiwanese Public Opinion, US Credibility, and Effective Deterrence.” Network for Strategic Analysis. (French version appears in Le Rubicon: Les risques li?s ? l’ambigu?t? : l’opinion publique ta?wanaise, la cr?dibilit? des ?tats-Unis et l’efficacit la dissuasion).
- Pan, Hsin-Hsin, Wen-Chin Wu, and Chien-Huei Wu. 2022. “No Room to Move: Public Opinion in Taiwan Offers Few Options on China” Global Asia 17(3): 26-41.
- Chu, Yun-han, Hsin-Hsin Pan, and Wen-Chin Wu. 2015. “Regime Legitimacy in East Asia: Why Non-Democratic States Fare Better than Democracies.” 2015. Global Asia 10(3): 98-105.