Journal Articles
- Pan, Hsin-Hsin, Scott L. Kastner, and Margaret M. Pearson. forthcoming. “Is China-Taiwan Rapprochement Possible? Experimental Evidence from Taiwan.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. DOI:
- Chou, Yi-Chun and Hsin-Hsin Pan. 2024. “Effect of Digital Gap on Virtual Care in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence in Taiwan.” Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development 34(2): 86-100.
- Pan, Hsin-Hsin. 2023. “US Public Opinion on Cross-Strait Relations: The Effect of China’s Threat on the China-Taiwan Tension.” Japanese Journal of Political Science 24: 190-207.
- Ja Ian Chong and Hsin-Hsin Pan. 2022. “Evolution of Our Time: Hong Kong and Taiwan’s Developing Democratic Identities.” Pacific Affairs 95(3): 441-473.
- Tsai, Ming-Chang and Hsin-Hsin Pan. 2022. “Protecting Farmers and Workers in Socialist Market Transitions: Mass Attitudes Towards Imports in Asia.” Sage Open 12(2):1-14.
- Tsai, Ming-Chang and Hsin-Hsin Pan. 2021.” Populists in Taiwan and Anti-Elite Sentiments: An Analysis of the World Values Survey” Taiwanese Journal of Sociology. 69: 101-140. (In Chinese:蔡明璋、潘欣欣。2021。〈臺灣民粹主義者與反菁英情緒:世界價值觀臺灣資料的分析〉,《臺灣社會學刊》69期,頁101-140。)
- Pan, Hsin-Hsin. 2020. “Is the US the Only Role Model in Town?- Empirical Evidence from the Asian Barometer Survey.” Journal of Asian and African Studies 55(5): 733-749.
- Pan, Hsin-Hsin, Wen-Chin Wu, and Yu-tzung Chang. 2020. “Does Cross-Strait Tourism Induce Peace? Evidence from Survey Data on Chinese Tourists and Non-Tourists.” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 20(1): 149-181.
- Pan, Hsin-Hsin, Wen-Chin Wu, and Yu-tzung Chang. 2017. “How Chinese Citizens Perceive Cross-Strait Relations: Survey Results from Ten Major Cities in China.” Journal of Contemporary China 26(106): 616-631.
- Wu, Wen-Chin, Yu-tzung Chang, and Hsin-Hsin Pan. 2017. “Does China’s Middle Class Prefer (Liberal) Democracy?” Democratization 24(2): 347-366.
- Tsai, Ming-Chang and Hsin-Hsin Pan. 2023. “Growth, Redistribution, and Populism in Asia.” In The Routledge Handbook of Populism in the Asia Pacific, ed. Alan Scott, Howard Brasted, Karin von Strokirch, and DB Subedi. London: Routledge. [peer-reviewed]
- Fu, Ronan Tse-min, Hsin-Hsin Pan, and Wen-Chin Wu. 2021. “Nationalism, Generalized Trust, and Chinese Citizens' Attitude toward US Influence.” In China's New Foreign Policy: Comparative Perspectives from Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, eds. Rumi Aoyama, Suk Hee Han, and Tung-chieh Tsai, 101-124. Taipei: Wu-Nan. (In Chinese:澤民、潘欣欣、吳文欽。2021。〈民族主義、普遍化信任及中國對美國影響的態度〉,《中國新外交:台日韓三方比較視野》,青山瑠妙、韓碩熙、蔡東杰主編,頁101-124。臺北:五南出版社。)
- Lee, James, Ja Ian Chong, Hsin-Hsin Pan, Chien-Huei Wu and Wen-Chin Wu. 2023. “The Risks of Ambiguity: Taiwanese Public Opinion, US Credibility, and Effective Deterrence.” Network for Strategic Analysis. (French version appears in Le Rubicon: Les risques li?s ? l’ambigu?t? : l’opinion publique ta?wanaise, la cr?dibilit? des ?tats-Unis et l’efficacit la dissuasion).
- Pan, Hsin-Hsin, Wen-Chin Wu, and Chien-Huei Wu. 2022. “No Room to Move: Public Opinion in Taiwan Offers Few Options on China” Global Asia 17(3): 26-41.
- Chu, Yun-han, Hsin-Hsin Pan, and Wen-Chin Wu. 2015. “Regime Legitimacy in East Asia: Why Non-Democratic States Fare Better than Democracies.” 2015. Global Asia 10(3): 98-105.